De Meeuw
Motorwal 300
1021PH Amsterdam
A Huis van de Wijk belongs to all residents of the neighborhood; a space for thinkers and doers. The house connects people and institutions that can help each other further, thus stimulating the livability of the neighborhood.
This is what we do in De Meeuw:
- Daily activities for vulnerable groups
- Warm lunch
- 3-course menu by Resto van Harte,
- Yoga, senior fitness
- Language and conversation classes
- Blackjack night, Gull choir, Bingo, Flea market
- Repair Café
- Activities for children, such as cooking
- Consultations, including Foundation Living
- One-on-one conversations with social workers and neighborhood team
- Z-newspaper sales
For a full list of activities, visit De Meeuw's website. Website De Meeuw
Opening hours
The De Meeuw coffee room is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. There are also spaces for rent to organize something that can be done Monday through Sunday between 9. 00 and 22.00. (Want to know more about the De Meeuw contact Barbara Hattmannsdorfer 06-52 48 28 76)