
De Spreekbuis

Tweede Oosterparkstraat 72

1091 JG Amsterdam

maandag t/m vrijdag van 8.00-13.00 uur

The Spreekbuis is the smallest of our walk-in centres and that is precisely its strength here. It has the style of a living room. Focused on the neighborhood: about thirty homeless people from the Oosterpark and Flevopark come to visit. The professionals are supported by interns and volunteers. They hand over as much work as possible. And that works well within this small-scale set-up. The visitors bear almost full responsibility for their own walk-in centre. Visitors are called in to empty homes of lonely elderly people after their deaths. And in winter, porches and sidewalks are cleared of snow. Furthermore, De Spreekbuis has an organizational pivotal role within De Regenboog Groep. Visitors wash clothes and organize the pieces. Then they are stored there until somewhere within De Regenboog Groep people need extra clothes again.

Welkom bij De Regenboog Groep

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