
Oudezijds Voorburgwal 165

1012 ET Amsterdam

maandag t/m zondag 10.30-17.00

The Princehof is located in the middle of the ramparts. The drop-in space on the first floor is open six days a week. Upstairs in the building is the user room for people who use substances. What makes the Princehof unique is the syringe exchange, which has been around for 25 years, and is open to all users, not just visitors to the Princehof. Although visitors in Amsterdam today almost always have a roof over their heads, that does not solve their problems. They talk there with both counselors and fellow sufferers. Assistance from the GGD is also regularly present.

Opening hours:
Walk-in centre and user room and clothing drop-off: Monday to Sunday from 10:30-17:00



020 - 530 98 01

Welkom bij De Regenboog Groep

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