
App Streetlife, info for surviving on the streets of Amsterdam.

Geplaatst op 8 mei 2023

The Rainbow Group has been publishing the Blue Booklet for years. It is a guidebook with practical information for surviving on the streets of Amsterdam. The information from the Blue Booklet is now also available via an app, Streetlife. The app is available for Android and Apple and is free for anyone to download, homeless people and social workers. (Link at bottom of article)

Find your way on the street

Do you find yourself homeless is Amsterdam? Then you have to find your way in a new world. Where can you shower, eat and get clean clothes? Can you register for social shelter or permanent housing? Where can you find social work, medical and psychological care? Through the Streetlife app, the supply is now always at your fingertips. The basis of the app is a map. With this you can easily find your way through the streets of the city, until you are literally at the aid or service on the sidewalk.

Smart on the street

In the open houses of the Rainbow Group, we are seeing more and more visitors with smartphones. This is not surprising, because without the Internet it is difficult to survive. More and more things can only be done online. It is also nice for social workers if clients can be reached, precisely because they have no address and can therefore be anywhere in the city.

We estimate that about 70% of our visitors have a smartphone. For them, the app is accessible; for the others, the paper Blue Booklet will simply remain. The Blue Booklet can be ordered for organizations at the Repro of The Rainbow Group.

Your information in the app

Does your organization have offerings that are important to people surviving on the streets? Then we would like to mention it in the app. Because we want the help that's out there to reach the people it's intended for.

Send your information to:

Streetlife was made possible in part by Jeroen Goeman Borgesius (Enjoy My City)



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